Create your first Sync
There is 2 steps to create your first sync : Start by connecting your calendars accounts (Outlook or Google), and create the sync from the tool.
Last updated
There is 2 steps to create your first sync : Start by connecting your calendars accounts (Outlook or Google), and create the sync from the tool.
Last updated
Here are the steps by step guide to connect your accounts. You may need to perform these steps for each of the account you want to sync within the tool.
Open the add-on and click on "Connect a calendar" at the bottom of the screen.
In the screen that opens, you can choose to connect either a Google or Microsoft account.
Based on your selection, a Google or Microsoft authentication window will appear. This window is used to grant the necessary permissions to the tool.
Once you have successfully authenticated, a confirmation window will be displayed. Click the "Close" button to reload the add-on.
The Microsoft Outlook authentication can be slow, but don't click multiple times on the Sign in button.
Now that you have connected at least one Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook account, you can create your first event synchronisation process.
Let's start by clicking on "NEW SYNC" in the home screen.
In the Calendar Sync setup screen, you can select the source Google or Outlook account and the calendar from which events will be synced. (If necessary, you can add an other account by clicking on + Add new account from the available calendars list)
In the same screen, you can also select the Google or Outlook account and the calendar that will receive the synced events. Once you’ve chosen the source and target calendars, click "NEXT".
In the final screen, you can optionally modify the sync properties. Otherwise, click "CREATE", and the sync will be created immediately.
From now on, in the home screen, you will see your sync. You can create up to 5 synchronizations in the trial version of SyncThemCalendars.